Saturday 18 August 2018

Springtails - Drought Recovery

Pogonognathellus longicornis

I've been out sampling for springtails three times since the drought broke and I have the following observations which seem to be consistent across several sites:

1. Populations are recovering within a few weeks but this hides more complex trends. And yet, the ground is still extremely dry, so I suspect that much of the recovery is due to decreased temperatures (Leicestershire had several weeks of air temperatures close to 30C) rather than increased moisture levels. Discuss.

2. Lots of Entomobryidae around on vegetation at present. For the most part, these are quite young populations with many juvelines present (not surprising).

3. Big Winner: Pogonognathellus longicornis - a large number of adults about, clearly they survived the drought. Not only that, but also the biggest specimens of this species I have ever seen.

4. Big Loosers: Symphypleona - I haven't found any globular springtails via any sampling method yet. These seem to be taking much longer to recover.

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