Having come up trumps with leaf litter samples recently, I popped out to the local churchyard for another Bag For Life full of leaf litter. In addition to bugs, centipedes, millipedes, spiders and woodlice, this also yielded abundant springtails. There were a number of
Entomobrya multifasciata, mostly juveniles surprisingly, as well as other juvenile
Entomobrya spp. whose identity I could not be sure of. I was a bit surprised to see such a juvenile population at this time of year. I also found a single
Sminthurinus aureus (form maculatus - bilateral comma-shaped spots), a species I have recorded at this location previously, although then in the more typical golden form:
The standouts were good numbers of
Dicyrtomina species. It is unusual for me to find them all in the same sample, this points to their abundance in leaf litter at present.
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