I started by sampling from the ancient lichen-covered Charnwood rocks and from vegetation such as Bilberry and Cross-leaved Heath. However, it was a warm and very dry day so this was unproductive. I then moved on to sampling Birch trunks (also unproductive) and then on to beating the Gorse, which produced a large number of springtails, mostly Entomobrya nivalis:

and a few Entomobrya nicoleti:

After this, I moved on to sampling the wet Sphagnum. This contained lots of springtails, including Pogonognathellus longicornis, Orchesella cincta, Tomocerus minor and a few Lepidocyrtus cyaneus - no scales on the legs or the antennae and interocular macrosetae present:

However, the star of the show was Heterosminthurus bilineatus, my first record of this species from VC55:

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